Sunday, 8 March 2015

Youtube channel: High quality robberies

I deciced to step up my game which resulted in creation of a youtube channel dedicated to some of my highlights regarding the Elite Dangerous PVP piracy. Some of the very best robberies will be published in a form of youtube video and linked accordingly to its respective raid log.

I think this format will be for the best because for twitch I am too multitasking heavy person and let's be honest here... watching some dude scooping load of crap might not be exactly the most entertaining thing to do. Twitch might still happen at certain point in the future though. Who knows ;)

So without further addo, here you go ye scurvy dogs!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Raid #6 A sparring fight to death

Good evening, fellow traders of Cupis. It's time for some tax collecting. Can't wait to find out whether my yesterday's extensive training session beared some fruit.

And looks like it did. CMDR LKE didn't even hesitate and asked how much straight away. A nice little breakfast to start things up.

Then he shared his sad story with me. I really felt for him but the cargo was already out and... yeah.

CMDR FURMOS on the other hand required some persuasion but he also complied. So far so good.

I quickly checked my scanner and couldn't believe what I saw. There was a seriously battered up bounty hunter in python (he had k-warrant scanner and PVP loadout) going for the nearest station. When an opportunity knocks on the door one has to open ;)

CMDR SILAN was clearly very nervous but there is only one way how a pirate should deal with a bounty hunter.

Never forget to appreciate a trader who complied. This is a vital part of their training.

And the first whale appeared. Sadly a very uncooperative one and a combat logger as a bonus. Not that combat logging with 0% engines and no AFM unit makes any sense other than to piss off the pirate.

Traffic was kinda poor after that. There were a lot of ships flying in the system but sadly only minor traders. And some weren't even hauling shit. CMDR LENCORET should really load her up next time.

Went after this destitute hauler of CMDR JOHNATAN KOSMICH just to get 5 silvers :/

Unfortunately, I had to extract them by force. After his engines went down, he released the demanded amount but it was too late for him. These situations always make me rot inside a bit. Sadly, there were no other better marks in super cruise at that time.

And again... a hauler. This time CMDR POUPOU. He stopped, cargo scanner revealed two frightened slaves and I let him go. Didn't really feel like commiting another fiendish crime against an ED newbie.

Also sent a clear message to another pesky bounty hunter (CMDR VARIOUS).

And since the traffic wasn't getting any better quality wise, I decided it's time to return to RA. And it turned out it was a good move. A lot of very interresting things happened.

I spotted CMDR TOWMUZ in his fancy clipper. I like them clippers a lot for their extreme sexyness. This clipper was a bit wild though and didn't crave for any friendly interaction. So I let my rails do the talking instead.

After his engines were destroyed he leisurely started rotating in space. Needed to get a clear sight on that cargo hatch.

And the palladium is released at long last.

I was hailed by CMDR KATAKE.

CMDR LINDY belonging to the trading group 6th AB is a prime example of a trained trader. I was extremely impressed with this one.

He revealed there was another pirate hunting in this system right now. I'd better stay vigilant.

And then I saw another blip on my scanner. I kinda panicked but decided to check it out. And what followed really took me by surprise.

This little cobra from before was really being serious about it.

I really didn't know how to approach the whole situation so I left for SC and got myself this little adder of CMDR FRESHMANGO55 packed with some expensive shit. His inderdiction skills were remarkable and it took me some serious effort to ground him.

Just when I was about to start scooping my shit an angry python entered the instance. I didn't really have the time to even check who it was but he was approaching very fast so I legged it and sent some saltiness in his direction. Later it turned out that he was the other pirate CMDR LINDY mentioned. I was suspecting a bait and a bait it was. This adder admitted he was his buddy only moments later.

I then jumped CMDR LT_TREK in his Type 6 who denied me my cargo with self-destruction. Two little palladium mates made it in time though.

Another Type 6. This time CMDR HALLAM. He didn't seem to be very happy but since he was rather talkactive I decided to go easier on him.

He asked me this insidious question.

And I was honest with my answer :D

We parted our ways in hopefully friendly manner. But again, this robbery kinda reminded me of that hauler before. I don't know if I am growing soft or what. I felt really bad after this.

I then met this armed and loaded bounty hunter in Asp who was tailing me. CMDR THUNDER950.

He even dared to assault my honest living.

I decided not to be a prey here and made a first move on him.

It turned out CMDR THUNDER950 is a combat logger. After I got him to 50% hull he started legging it and when he realized he was fucked he simply pulled the plug. Another addition to my KoS list and another report filed :/

CMDR LT_TREK whose T6 turned into debris by his own hand decided it was time for payback. He jumped into his viper and went after me. Although he died twice, I really have to admire him for his bravery. This trader was born for OPEN and I wish him swift recovery from his losses. o7, commander.

I met a commander with a very nice name: A CUNNING COLLIE.

Trully an encounter full of pleasure.

A CUNNING COLLIE was a really nice guy/gal. So I granted him/her a free passage and started scooping them palladiums.

And also offered a little bit of extra protection.

Cargo was looking good so it was time to sell that shit.

After I emerged from the anarchy system I met that fierce conda from before, CMDR JAG. For those of you who don't know CMDR JAG. He's a guy who will fuck you up real hard if you try to cross him. He's fierce and he will keep blasting until either you or him explode. Against all odds.

Subsystem scan revealed he changed his loadout since our last deadly encounter. He was now packing some serious heat. If I jumped him I would be eating barrage of missiles in no time. And since any of my wingmen wasn't present this time I decided not to try my luck and just sent him some salty messages over comms.

My next victim was CMDR ERROR. He really made an error by not complying. He thought dropping a few gold pieces why boosting away would satisfy me. So my rails quickly stated I was being dead serious and he dropped more while making it alive although heavily damaged.

He then tried to warn a CMDR in T6 who I was about to interdict... only he warned the wrong person ;)

Interdicted CMDR EXO.UK was pretty cool about the whole piracy deal. Nice spoils.

CMDR NILBERT tried to run for it but his engines didn't quite make it. He offered to abandon 10t of gold which I was cool with since he was in an adder.

Turned out his traction wasn't the only thing that didn't make it. Hopefully there is justice waiting for me out there in the void and I will find my peace one day.

CMDR AGNUS THERMOPYLE in python was my next mark. I activated the warning macro as usual but he kept boosting and running away.

Well, I should officially go to hell now. I was really angry with myself for this.

A hail from CMDR ERROR... This guy in Asp who I robbed before desperately wanted to have a sparring fight with me.

We settled on the 50% hull rule. But he admitted something...

I came with a counteroffer.

And he accepted. I was trully shocked and extremely pleased at the same time. A trader who just got robbed by an evil pirate came to him and aggreed to fight to death.

That little stalky cobra kept buzzing me. It was quite funny to be honest.

Shit is about to get real.

Bloody battle erupted. Heavy metal plates of our ships were creaking and the guns were melting.

Finally, the batle was over and only one was standing still.

And shortly after the flash of massive explosion of CMDR ERROR'S Asp cleared, I had an unexpected visitor.

He was quite persistent so I offered him I would take him under my wing later.

I then went after my last mark of this raid, CMDR ROCK FERTIG-AUS in python whose palladium had to be extracted the hard way.

It was a successfull night with a fat profit and many pleasant surprises. I also got a tip from a trader on some nice palladium heavy imperial area. I will be checking it out soonish ;)