Sunday, 8 March 2015

Youtube channel: High quality robberies

I deciced to step up my game which resulted in creation of a youtube channel dedicated to some of my highlights regarding the Elite Dangerous PVP piracy. Some of the very best robberies will be published in a form of youtube video and linked accordingly to its respective raid log.

I think this format will be for the best because for twitch I am too multitasking heavy person and let's be honest here... watching some dude scooping load of crap might not be exactly the most entertaining thing to do. Twitch might still happen at certain point in the future though. Who knows ;)

So without further addo, here you go ye scurvy dogs!


  1. As a hopeful pirate your videos and blog posts have been quite entertaining. Should you ever make a twitch you have a follower. Good sailing and may I never enter your crosshairs. XD

  2. As a hopeful pirate your videos and blog posts have been quite entertaining. Should you ever make a twitch you have a follower. Good sailing and may I never enter your crosshairs. XD
