Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Raid #5 Deadly cruising in Cupis

Since Ra and Gliese 868 started being a little bit too hot for me I decided it's time to return to my favourite system in the ED universe, Cupis. For those of you pirates who don't know Cupis... Well, imagine a pedophile strolling through a nursery school devoid of any personnel, leaving just the innocent kids. Traffic here is extremely heavy, traders are harmless and packed with sweet palladium and what more I can say. It's a gangster's paradise. It wasn't always like that though. This and the surrounding systems belong to the area occupied by a bunch of angry German traders. We have history together. I mugged few of them which resulted in this witch-hunt. Fritz bounty hunters in pythons started hunting me down but to no avail. According to them, dropping out of super cruise to avoid a nasty multipython gangbang is combat logging so I might have been reported few times by them. But of course, this tactic is strictly within the games rules, not an actual exploit and can be used by anyone.

First customer of today was CMDR LORD BLUE SKY. And I quickly realized there might be a problem. I might have left Cupis traders in peace for way too long and their training probably deteriorated a little. This commander was stubborn and rejected any form of cooperation.

So I had to resort to brute force...

And after a little bit of hatch busting, them little palladiums are flying free in a convenient line formation.

I couldn't really scoop everything but I was kinda satisfied with what I got. Not bad for the first today's interdiction.

Shortly after I emerged from normal space the first Fritz appeared. It was a solid German whale flown by CMDR DER STERNENTALER. Also a stubborn one. He ignored all my warnings and as a result his engines got some proper spanking.

Fritz was loaded real good. Them German folks are surely rich.

I deployed my trusty beam shredders and started working on that hatch. Palladium started flowing and the Fritz unfortunately also logging out. Had to settle with mere four pieces and move on.

There was also this pesky little cobra (CMDR ROCKTON) trying to play a bounty hunter. But he realized he was against much bigger fish and scrammed quickly.

And more of unmanageable traders follow. CMDR STREL OK will hopefully stop raping his boost button next time.

And CMDR ROSKELLEY should stop polluting the space with his self-destruction debris.

 Pride over profit. Although to be fair, he simply denied me my spoils after he was done for anyways.

My cargo bay was nearly full. And this little adder of CMDR LKE might have just what I need. Unfortunately not, so I will have to find myself a new mark. Was only like 5t short to max cargo capacity so even a cute hauler or sidey would do.

But of course not. I am retarded and my primal instincts were stronger. I went after this juicy big mama, CMDR PEANUTS. Just to get 5t of cargo... He flashed only some toy turreted weapons that were tickling me a little after each pass. I didn't even have to use chaff.

And then it happened. I got rammed from 1km distance. I heard only the sinister sound of imploding hull. Went from full shields to 8% hull straight away. And the final ram quickly followed which sealed the whole bitter deal. To be fair though, bugs, desyncs and lags have been avoiding me all that time so it was bound to happen one day. Luckily, I was parked at anarchy station so I didn't have to pay for the bounty. This and the yesterday's accident made a solid dent in my budget. I have forbidden myself any other profit but piracy so I'd better stop doing this stupid shit. I am sure CMDR PEANUT'S cr./t./h. ratio skyrocketed for today so as you can see, running into a pirate doesn't have to be always a bad thing ;) My bounty was around 6.5M.

After this sad incident my will to earn millions today was even more reinforced. Traders were dropping their shit left and right. CMDR SAMUWRITER's hatch got jammed so I swiftly offered him a help.

Or this cute little cobra loaded with 60t of palladium. Not that fast anymore, huh?

I didn't even realize I interdicted CMDR ROSKELLEY for the second time.

After my initial lesson this particular trader was trained a bit and it showed.

This trader eventually suffered from the Stockholm syndrome rather quickly. And he dropped nice 30 tons of abandoned palladium. I am sure it won't take long and the Cupis traders will start behaving properly as they should.

Things started looking a bit better. Had like 4 similar cargo runs after.

Another hatch breaking of CMDR RIFFRAFF'S Asp.

And an addition to my KOS list of combat loggers. This time with a very nice name too. I don't really like mentioning these cheaters but this one was kinda cute.

So yeah, I quickly recovered from my death. Unfortunately, also got scanned by pesky cops while scooping loaded quite few times. So my bounty might be even higher next day than it was before. I really don't understand this design where murderers are billion times less wanted than thieves but that's how it is I guess.

It looks like I won't be leaving this bounty hunter free environment anytime soon. Gotta train them traders properly. Look at my boys at Gliese... they can behave and you will soon too ;) And now my homeboy AMEAL is operating here too. Isn't it great?

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