Monday, 2 March 2015

Raid #2 The Whalefest

I like them pregnant whales. Since they share the same mass index with my Asp I can mass inhibit them and they are indeed fairly packed with shiny stuff ;) Whenever I meet a whale in super cruise I am very happy since their pilots know they can't run, they are more than willing to share their cargo (they are so loaded it's a mere dent on their profit anyways) and are generally nice people.

This time however it was a disaster :/ First whale of the show was piloted by CMDR NITRO GLYCERINE.

He boosted as soon as he read my welcome message.

And unfortunately since there was no other form of interaction from him but infinite boosting I had to sink 500t of palladium to the void :/

Next whale was CMDR AMY. This whale was leisurely sunbathing and completely oblivious to the world around her.

I wanted to provide her with some sun lotion to prevent a nasty sun burn so I hurried with a friendly interdiction...

The beginning was no different to the previous case. The whale started boosting. Apparently didn't want to get scanned. After I sniped her engines she sent me a message she had no cargo. Previous check of subsystems revealed no AFM unit so I wished the whale good luck in her future travels and left.

Before going after my third whale I noticed a pesky imperial clipper buzzing around me. He had no FSD interdictor but k-warrant scanner and his lusting eyes revealed he was indeed waiting for some approachable FSD wake.

He then hailed me. But that was really it.

And of course, shortly after the third whale (CMDR D34TH973)! Let's hope for the best.

Yep, looking good.

Unfortunately also this whale refused any sort of interaction and went for boosting. So there she was with dead engines floating in the cold space.

Aaaand let's do it the hard way this time.

So yeah I got some. But with cops on my ass I only took like 10 tons and let the whale have some privacy.

Things didn't really go according to plan but hey... I am sure these whales got trained a bit and next time they will gladly comply.

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