First victim of the day was CMDR BITNUKL. Skimming through my list of nasty combat loggers sadly revealed that this particular dude was indeed playing dirty. So I did what had to be done.
As you can see this guy ditched the shields. Because who needs them in the open anyways right. He might have been relying on combat logging for quite some time.
Before this guy recovered from the initial shock, he was staring at the insurance screen. Another satisfied combat logging customer.
Then two successful robberies followed. Nothing special really. My cargo bay was still not full though so I payed a visit to this innocent cobra flown by CMDR STRAHL77. This guy was legging it straight away so I unleashed some of them rails and he ended up with dead engines.
After realizing he's not going anywhere anytime soon he embraced his grave situation. At that time he wasn't aware his engines were dead. And then his obedience quickly turned to the worse.
So I had to come up with some trickery. I offered him I would help to fix his drives in exchange for half of his cargo. And he agreed ;)
Of course, what followed probaby didn't make him very happy. Buy hey, cargo is safe and that's what matters.
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